Monday, May 15, 2006

Good struggles

It's amazing how even brief chats two nights in a row lifts my spirits. Just to know that he makes the effort to say hi means so much. I'm more than willing to wait as patiently as I can while he works through this. My own struggles with depression make this empathy all too easy. Of course being me, now the struggle is with knowing there isn't really anything I can do help or to make things better. All I can do is wait and care and hope. To me, that is the hardest part of having someone close to you who is very depressed. No matter how much you would love to take on some of that burden, all you can do is stand by and be supportive to the core of your being.

1 comment:

WistfulWench said...

Kneeling, have you thought that maybe you ARE helping just by being there? Maybe it helps him just to know that you care?

No, there's not much you can do to get him to a better place. He has to do that for himself. But I'm willing to bet that knowing you are there for him IS helping!

Sending you hugs to help you help him!