Sunday, October 15, 2006

It is late, and I am tired, and there is MUCH that I need to catch you all up on. But right now, I just need to let this spill out. A while ago I blogged about how I had "please Sir" running underneath everything. Recently, I realized that had changed. Now, it is "oh let me be yours again." It's been a few weeks, but before we last got together, Sir actually went back to his title again. I really can't find words for how happy it made me (and continues to make me) to be able to call him Sir again, and to be able to use his name for me again. It's odd how that simple change has made the patient waiting so much easier. It still isn't easy, but the anguish is much lessened. With just that small change, I feel like I have solid ground beneath my feet again. It has been almost a month since I last saw him, and a week since I've heard from him. I miss him, OH how I miss him and long for him, but the frantic quality is almost gone. I feel a bit foolish that something so small and simple could reassure me so, but there it is. That he felt the wrongness, that he wanted his title back, this gives me more than hope. I never gave up hoping. Now, I have confidence. "Sir." It is a small word, but it is enough for me to hold on to.

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